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Set in a prime West Newton Hill neighborhood is this gracious Victorian home. Surrounded by mature trees and plantings, the house has maintained much of its original character and charm. Many windows and tall ceilings provide an abundance of natural light. Welcomed by a full length front porch, the entry foyer opens to a large front parlor that is flanked by a charming den with bay window and an elegant living room with fireplace. There is a formal dining room with window seat and access to a large deck. The lovely kitchen features butcherblock counters, a pantry, and accesses a delightful solarium overlooking the expansive grounds. A grand stairway leads to the second floor with three bedrooms and two baths including a primary bedroom with fireplace and bathroom. The third floor is finished with an accessory apartment suite. Amenities include seller owned solar panels, upgraded HVAC & Electric, detached garage. Easy access to Mass Pike, Village Shops & Cinema, Commuter Rail.

Property Details of 22 Winthrop Street, West Newton

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Listed by Michael Rothstein, Hammond Residential Real Estate

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